The Temples at Tikal

The Temples at Tikal

By Alistair and Sarah

After crossing the border to Guatemala our first stop was the temples of Tikal.

Choosing to stay in the jungle to fully immerse ourselves in the experience we bought two day passes, with a sunset tour on our second day (our limited Spanish from Duolingo came in handy here, as it turns out not many Guatemalans speak English!).

Tikal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most important Mayan sites discovered with it's well preserved ruins of temples and palaces, including Temple IV which, at 70 metres high, stands as the tallest pre-columbian structure in the Americas.

Below are some images which capture our adventures at Tikal and the impressive nature of the site. There's also an abundance of wildlife to be seen including, Toucans, monkeys, snakes, wild turkeys and coatis which we were lucky enough to see as we wandered round.