Tackling San Ignacio's ATM tour

Tackling San Ignacio's ATM tour

By Alistair and Sarah

Our first full day in San Ignacio meant it was time to tackle the famous ATM tour, our main reason for visiting the area.

The day started early as we were picked up by our local guide at 8am (one of only 25 authorised to go into the caves) before we drove the hour to get to the start of the adventure. Camera's were not allowed in the cave due to a tourist previously dropping their camera and fracturing a skull but hopefully this will help paint a picture of the day.

In true ‘rainy season’ style the sky opened just as we got out of the car to put our helmets on but as we were soon to learn that was no cause for concern as within minutes of starting the walk to the mouth of the cave we were undertaking our first river crossing with the water at chest height. Pulling ourselves across we got a flavour of what it was like for the ancient Mayans to undertake their procession to the sacred site. As we continued on we were faced with two more shallower river crossings before reaching the cave’s entrance. After a brief introduction from our guide we then swam the short distance into the cave itself. What then followed was the ‘adventure part’ of the day.

In single file we followed our guide through the cave system, pulling ourselves up on rocks, squeezing through small gaps, and wading through the water- there were times when we questioned fitting through! We then had a short but steep climb to get to the central cave and the site of all of the sacrifices. What faced us was a scene of perfectly preserved ceramics, in amongst skulls and skeletons of the sacrificed. Our guide also pointed out modifications made by the Mayans to cast shadow figures on the walls, adding to the atmosphere. Our final part of the tour involved a climb up a ladder to see the famous crystal maiden, before we embarked on the return journey with more twists and turns on the way.

The tour definitely lived up to expectations and the lunch at the end felt very well deserved! We were also nursing sore arms and legs when we woke up the next morning.