One night in… Cancun

One night in… Cancun

By Alistair and Sarah

So the time to fly is finally here – although it really doesn't feel like we're off for four months!

Our day started with a 3am start (who knew that it actually could ever be too early for an airport beer) as we boarded our flight to Lisbon. After a short layover we were then enroute to Cancun on our 10 hour Tap Air flight.

Thankfully time in the air seems to pass in a weird way and it felt like no time at all before we were greeted with a blast of warm air as we disembarked in Mexico, the first country on our adventure.

After checking in to the hotel we did what any good tourist would do with one night in Mexico and googled the best taco place in town! And in no time at all we found ourselves in El Socio Naiz Taqueria with a cocktail in hand and guacamole on the table. What followed can only be described as a feast including a taco inside a taco (we'll send Wahaca the recipe when we're back ;) )

With a flight to Belize waiting for us in the morning, and after a full 24 hours awake, we felt an early finish was needed so headed back to the hotel ready for a few days of island life.